Secret Blogger Swap Revealed!

The lovely Danielle from Framed Frosting coordinated a Secret Blogger Swap that I happily signed up for and what fun! Today we reveal our gifts and thank those who sent them. This was such a unique idea and with so much going on in May for my family I have to admit I wasn’t quite as creative with my packaging as I wished I could have been but do hope my person enjoys their gifts!

With that let me introduce and THANK Jenny, my Secret Blogger Swap Partner! You can check out her blog at Strickly Strickland’s. What I love most about her package is that she themed it around my love of the ocean. Included in the box of goodies was a blue water bottle that I’ve already been using on a daily basis lol… lunch tote perfectly adorned with polka dots… matching napkins (with kids how does a Mom live w/out these on any adventure?)… two amazing scented candles (fresh ocean flowers & creamy tahitian coconut)… and some feather earrings too!! I’m in love, thank you so very much Jenny 🙂

I have to admit though that my favorite part of the package was actually the letter sent along. What a sweet introduction Jenny made of herself but she also took the time to set the stage for each gift that was sent and wanted me to feel like I was at my favorite beach with the waves crashing, the warm sun, the cool salty breeze and even sand between my toes. Talk about an escape!  Thank you again for the time you spent making my gift special, it was appreciated more than you know.

Tantalizing Tuesday

Thanks to Pinterest I’ve discovered some wonderful foodie bloggers and rather enjoy trying new creations from my visual recipe box. Today I’m featuring a wonderful cupcake from Annie’s Eats that is perfect for Spring. How do you go wrong with the combination of blueberry & lemon? Personally I find cupcakes to be perfect all year round… breakfast/lunch and dinner. 😉

So whip up a batch for you and a friend.  And if you really want to impress them you should grab some edible hummingbirds from SugarRobot to top em off… how sweet would that be?