Boldly Venturing Out

Wow what a crazy week has flown by! Here we are in the month of August and I can just feel 2013 knocking on my shoulders and about to arrive. So much seems to be on my mind and wandering through my thoughts that I can’t seem to keep everything in order. I’m usually someone who needs to write things down and make a ton of lists to keep the chaos at bay but I’m losing my momentum with such. So this week is all about getting down to business and finding some peace with myself regarding those things I thought important but did not accomplish… with the piles of laundry that always seem to be stacked somewhere throughout the house… the fact that I still haven’t secured a trumpet for my daughter and the school year is almost upon me and so SO much more! There has been family illness and concern, my oldest is now 10 and seems well on her way to 16 and add to that I’m trying to find a consistent amount of work from home despite having 2 toddlers constantly at my elbows.

As you can see I’m a bit overwhelmed but that isn’t going to slow me down. Recently I was asked to consider starting a small cupcake biz in my area. I’ve always laughed at the thought but if you live within a 2hr radius of me then you have already been blessed with cupcakes by my kitchen. I find baking to be soothing and a way to destress. The act of mixing and decorating and then sharing that sweet goodness with someone more than willing to take a bite? Priceless 🙂 So I figured why not? I’ve created a few cards and will pass out to some local establishments and already have a couple orders in despite advertising myself! A couple young friends along with my oldest daughter are more than eager to help out so I think this might be fun. (am I fooling myself here? only time with will tell I suppose)

Next up? Etsy love… apparently my daughter and some older friends of hers and mine are obsessed with the fun things they can find on there. So much so they want to start there own little place in hopes of learning to create trendy goods and sell such in hopes of raising money to one day fly to Paris. Cute right? Well I will give you one guess who they want to help them get started and run the show 😉 but again why not? This can be a wonderful way to engage young ones on the art of DIY creations and making $$ as well as all the work involved with such.

A number of fellow Mom friends have commented… ‘I don’t know how you have the energy for all that you do!’ but at the end of the day you are only as old as you feel. The more busy I am and the more fun I’m sharing in with my kids and family and friends, well the more young I feel. At 33yrs I guess I shouldn’t be crying a river over my already greying hair but there are days where I find that I’m dragging to keep up with my 3 kiddos! They can either wipe me out or keep me going and I prefer the latter. 🙂

So with that I look forward to seeing how some bold new ventures work out and ask that you cross your fingers on my behalf in my quest to find a solid work from home gig that allows me to enjoy the next 2yrs of still being a SAHM. Good Night!

Giftage by Etsy

Window shopping online can be quite fun, especially with the ability to find a great deal or a brand new discovery or designer without paying the gas mileage for such.  Small boutiques provide uniqueness that I personally prefer when buying something I hope to treasure for some time.  Etsy is a wonderful online plaza of talented designers who are eager to share their creations with the world. I can easily lose myself and all track of time scouring their stores. Check out my recent finds:



“Home of the BFF Necklaces and Mother & Daughter Necklaces.” I just love the style of these pieces as well as the updated version of a classic favorite like the best friend necklace. With a gorgeous array of colors and feminine stamped design you just can’t miss the mark here for surprising your Mom, daughter, sister or best friend with a unique present. My favorite is the Mother and 2 Daughter necklace shown above.  Shop owner, Jessica Marshall is very happy to accommodate your choice of color or customize a set for you.



How beautiful are these colors? I absolutely love skirts and dresses for the Summer. They are my go-to outfit for everything from BBQ’s to our local festivals and even hanging with the kids down by the lake. May does a gorgeous job of playing with vibrant colors & patterns along with flowing fabrics so it was love at first site for me when I found this shop.

Have you discovered some new places to shop on Etsy? Do share!

Weekly Wonders

*Shoetopia & Urban Crochet* 

Well this week went by in a flash but I’m not complaining. Rain makes for a moody Sassy and with the sun peeking out today and promise of no rain for my Lion Run tomorrow I’m feeling pretty darn excited.

Throughout the week I have been dreaming about Summer and all clothes relating to such. With all the bright colors and prints that made their debut this Spring I’ve been hoping for an even bigger splash of color to trend for Summer sandals. You won’t see me disappointed by what is popping up and so I’m sharing my faves:

Sassy Summer Style

Thanks to my addiction to pinterest I was recently connected to Lioness Xpressions, a designer of handmade crochet jewelry and accessories. Look at the vibrant creativity! I have visions of making simple T’s & shorts pop with one of these cuffs or pair of earrings thrown in the mix.

Find Lioness Xpressions on Etsy & Pinterest

What are you hoping to add to your Summer 2012 wardrobe?